In two days I leave for Vietnam. This expression that leaves me with so much excitement is certainly a unique expression that carries a completely different meaning for earlier generations of young people in this country! In any event, I really am looking forward to discovering the meaning this expression will hold for me. With just two days before I leave, I have very little anxiety – I think I am mentally and physically prepared (and psyched!) for this experience. I realize and appreciate how unique this period of time is in my life -- a time with so much independence and relatively little responsibility (other than for myself of course). I can't wait to make Vietnam a part of it…
To give everyone a little glimpse into my adventures ahead as promised from the title of this post, I'll just explain a little about the course of my program as I know of now. My program has a total of 9 people, including myself. I know you may be realizing that I seem to ATTRACT small classes/programs etc (think Bnai Shalom, AHA…). In any event, after an orientation period, we will buckle down for ten weeks of intensive language classes and seminars. The Culture and Development Seminar is taught by a group of Vietnamese and international professors, and will include educational excursions, lectures, and discussions on history, culture, development, and contemporary social issues. Excursions throughout the country will take us outside of our "home-base" in Ho Chi Minh City (for the sake of ease of typing, I will from here on out refer to Ho Chi Minh City as HCMC or Saigon!), Central Highlands (Dalat), Central coast (Hoi An, Hue, Da Nang), Mekong Delta, and Hanoi. During these 10 weeks of classes is when I will prepare for my Independent Study Project (ISP) which I will conduct during the final month, from mid-November through mid-December. I plan on doing my research on food insecurity and the influence of foreign fast food, but this is subject to change once I get to Vietnam and really get a better lay of the land etc. At the end of my study abroad in mid-December, my parents and sister, Emily, will join me in Vietnam and we'll spend about 3 weeks traveling throughout Vietnam and Cambodia. I know I've crammed lots of information in so far, but I look forward to filling in this general itinerary with lots of personal stories, anecdotes, and exciting tales. I hope you all enjoy and write to me in emails too! Though my internet may be a bit sporadic throughout this experience, I will do my best to post as much as I can. In advance, I will warn you that I am a 100% "blogging" amateur, if that phrase can even exist, and as far from a computer savvy individual as they come. I will do my best! I guess these next few months will be a learning process in all sorts of ways. Next time you hear from me I will be half way around the world and 11 hours of time zone away...!